Baked Gefilte Fish


1 lb halibut -or- turbot fillets, fresh; or frozen
1 small onion
1 slice bread, crumbled
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper, ground
1 egg
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 onion, sliced
1 sweet green pepper, chopped
8 oz can tomato sauce


Defrost the fish, if frozen. Grind the fish and onion in a food
processor. Add the bread, salt, pepper and egg. Mix well. Shape into
12 balls.
Combine the oil, onion, green pepper and tomato sauce in a baking
dish. Arrange the fish balls in it, cover, and bake in a 325-degree
oven for 40 to 45 minutes. Baste with the sauce before serving.
Serves 6
One Serving 2 Fish Balls = Calories: 189 Carbohydrates: 9 Protein: 20
Fat: 8 Sodium: 671 Potassium: 606 Cholesterol: 77

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