Baked Eggs With Crabmeat


8 oz crabmeat, canned or frozen
8 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1 salt and pepper to taste


Pick over the crabmeat and remove all the stiff membranes. Beat
the eggs slightly with a wire whisk, add milk and seasonings, and
beat a little more. Stir in the crabmeat and pour into individual
buttered casseroles. Cover and bake in a medium oven (350 degrees F)
30 minutes. Serves four.
No nutritional information given.
I found this recipe in an old cookbook I picked up at a yard sale.
The title, 150 Recipes Casserole Cookery One-dish Meals for the Busy
Gourmet and the authors are Marian and Nino Tracy and it was first
printed in 1940! The last print date is October 1950!
I hope that you get a kick out of some of these recipes. Trish.
Formatted to MM by Trish McKenna 4/7/95

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